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You are in Herbal Remedies for the Digestive System > Fuzi Lizhong Wan
Detailed Specification
60g box
Fuzi Lizhong Wan
Manufacturer : Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical
Packing : 60g box
Pharmaceutical Ingredients : Chinese Herbal
Product Category : Digestive System
Code BT0226
3 box course
Code BT3226
Pinyin name : Fuzi Lizhong Wan.

Functions and Indications : Deficiency of the spleen and stomach, marked by abdominal pain, cold stomach and limbs, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia such as chronic pancreatitis.

Main Ingredients : Aconite (system), Codonopsis, Atractylodes (fried), ginger, licorice, honey.

Character : The product is a black-brown pill, sweet, spicy flavour.

Usage and Dosage : Oral, take 1x 6g bag with warm water, 2 - 3 times a day as necessary.

Notes :
  1. Do not take with raw or difficult to digest foods.
  2. Common cold and fever should not take.
  3. Have high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and other chronic serious diseases, should only be taken with doctor's advice.
  4. Pregnant women, breast-feeding women, should only be taken with doctor's advice.
  5. Only take in accordance with the usage amount, the product is not for long-term use.
  6. If no relief in symptoms after taking for two weeks, should see a doctor..
  7. If allergic to any of the ingredients, take with caution.
  8. The use for children must be in adult care.

Packing : 60g box.

Storage : Keep sealed.

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