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You are in Herbal Remedies for the Immune System

Immune System

The immune system is made up of special cells, proteins and organs that defend the body against germs, viruses and microorganisms. In most cases the immune system does a great job of preventing infections, but sometimes a deficiency within the immune system can lead to illness and disease.
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American Ginseng
Anti-fatigue. Ginsenosides to assist with the elimination of fatigue and the restoration of physical health...
12 tablet box £6.95
4 box £19.95
Liuwei Dihuang Wan
Nourishing the kidneys. To enhance the immune function, anti-ageing, anti-fatigue, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood fat...
3 box course £22.95
6 box reserve 44.95
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Liuwei Dihuang Ruanjiaonang
Nourishing the kidneys. To enhance the mmune function, anti-ageing, anti-fatigue, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood blood fat...
60 capsule box £14.95
(10 day course)
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Banlangen Keli
Traditional chinese herbal remedy used for the treatment of upper respiratory tract viral infections. Anti-virus, anti-bacterial...
10 x 5g bag £7.50
2 box course £12.95
Yinqiao Jiedu Wan
30g tablet box £7.50
3 box course £17.95
Clearing heat and detoxification. For the common cold, influenza, meningitis, pneumonia, mumps, measles, rubella, herpes angina, pharyngitis...
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Fufang Chuanbeijing Pian
For cough, cold and chest infection, panting and coughing caused by asthma, chest tightness and chest infection...
30 tablet box £8.50
3 box course £19.95