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Since 2009
40 tablet box
Qingxuan Pian
Manufacturer : Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical
Packing :40 tablet box
Pharmaceutical Ingredients : Chinese Herbal
Product Category : Colds and Influenza
Code AT0202
3 box reserve
Code AT3202
Chinese Pinyin Name : Qingxuan Pian.
Product Category : Colds and Influenza.
Functions and Indications : To disperse heat, for colds, influenza, fever, headache, migraine, dizziness, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, periodontitis.
Clinical applications for Qingxuan Pian :
- Colds, fever, headache, dizziness.
- Migraine or frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, neck pain.
- Sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, eyebrow center pain, turbidity.
- Periodontitis, abscess, severe toothache or inflamed gums.
Main Ingredients : Chuanxiong, angelica, dahurica, mint, nepeta, sui, gypsum.
Usage and Dosage : Oral, take 4 tablets one or twice a day.
Packing : 40 tablet box.
Storage : Keep sealed in a dry cool place.