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Detailed Specification
50 tablet box
Fufang Danshen Pian
Manufacturer : Tongrentang Pharmaceutical
Packing : 50 tablet box
Pharmaceutical Ingredients : Chinese Herbal
Product Category : Heart and Circulation
Code CT0247
3 box reserve
Code CT3247
Chinese Pinyin Name : Fufang Danshen Pian.

Product Category : Heart and Circulatiion.

Functions and Indications : Blood circulation. For the common symptoms of angina pectoris, chest tightness, tingling in the heart or surrounding area due to qi stagnation.

Properties : This product is a film-coated tablet, after coating removal, brown colour, gas aromatic bitter taste.

Main Ingredients : Miltiorrhiza, Panax, Ginseng, Borneol.

Specification : Each table weight 0.32g.

Usage and Dosage : Oral, take 3 tablets up to 3 times a day.

Note :
  1. Avoid eating spicy, cold or greasy food at the same time as medication.
  2. If the symptoms are not relieved go to a hospital.
  3. Do not take during pregnancy.

Packing : 50 tablet box.

Storage : Keep sealed in a dry cool place, shelf life 36 months.

Listed : The People's Republic of China Pharmacopoeia 2005 Edition 1.

Approval Licence Number : Z11021185.
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