Detailed Specification
60g box
Renshen Guben Wan

Manufacturer : Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical
Packing : 6g x 10 sachets box
Pharmaceutical Ingredients : Chinese Medicine
Product Category : Kidney Disorders
Code ES0285
3 box course
Code ES3285
Chinese Pinyin Name : Renshen Guben Wan.

English Name : Strengthening Body's Essence Pill.

Product Category : Kidney Disorders.

Main Ingredients : Tuber Asparagi Cochinchinensis. Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici. Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Praeparata. Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae. Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae.

Funtions and Indications : Clear Fire from the Lungs, Nourish Yin and Blood. The root of the disorder is in the Kidneys, and that its manifestations are in the Lungs. The Kidney Yin is deficient and is therefore unable to control the Yang, which becomes hyperactive (Fire from Deficiency).

Possible symptoms :
Consumptive cough
Consumptive fever
Night sweating
Spontaneous sweating
Red tongue
Rapid pulse

Usage and Dosage : Orally. Take 6g (1 sachet) each time, two times per day.

Packing : 6g x 10 sachets box.
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