You are in Herbal Remedies for Men's Health > Jiu Jeng Pushen Jiao Nang
Detailed Specification
6 capsule box
Jiu Jeng Pushen Jiao Nang
Manufacturer : Jiujeng Company Thailand.
Packing : 6 Capsule box
Ingredients : Chinese Herbal
Product Category : Mens Health
Code JS0382
3 box reserve
Code JS3382
Pinyin name : Jiu Jeng Pushen Jiao Nang.

Functions and Indications : To improve the sexual function in men. Impotence, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, due to long term mental stress and the pressure of modern living. Indicated for the symptoms of male erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, fatigue syndrome etc. The unique formula of Pushen gives energy, stimulates blood circulation, helps maintain men?s sexual health and also has a therapeutic effect on the prostate, liver, kidney and bladder.

Main Ingredients : Coix Lachryma-jobi L, Cinnamomum Cassia Presi, Lycium Chinese Mill, Cuscula Chinensis Lam, Zizphus Jujuba Mill, Dioscorea Opposita Thunb, Herba Epimedii, Cordyceps Sinensis (Berk) Sacc, Schisandra Chinensis (Turez) Bail, CervusNippon Temminck Atractylodes Macrocephaia Koidz.

Note : Jiu Jeng Pushen Jiaonang is 100% natural herbal with no pharma ingredients.

Properties : The product is in capsule form.

Usage and Dosage : Oral, take 1 or 2 capsules at bedtime.

Packing : Blister pack 6 capsules x 600 mg (500 mg powder).

Precautions :

  1. Do not take Pushen with another drugs or biologically active supplements with similar action.
  2. People with hearth diseases, high blood pressure or having a cold should restrain from taking Pushen.
  3. You should consult your healthcare professional if symptoms continue over long period.

Storage : Keep sealed, shelf life 48 months.

FDA Registration Number G298 / 49.

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