Qingxuan Pian
To disperse heat. For colds and influenza, fever, headache, migraine, dizziness, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, periodontitis...
100 tablet box £7.50
3 box reserve £17.95
Houzheng Wan
For pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other similar conditions of sore furuncle, to remove heat, reduce swelling and pain...
100 tablet box £7.50
3 box reserve £17.95
Qingyan Wan
Prescription to clear the lungs. For the treatment of acute pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, hoarse or sore throat, difficulty in swallowing...
10 x 6g box £7.95
3 box £19.50
Jiere Gangmao Pian
Exopathic, for colds and influenza. Nasal congestion runny nose, fever, cold, coughing sound hoarse, sore dry throat...
60 tablet box £7.50
3 box reserve £17.95
Yinqiao Jiedu Wan
30g tablet box £7.50
3 box course £17.95
Tongxuan Lifei Pian
40 tablet box £8.50
2 box course £15.95
Fufang Chuanbeijing Pian
For cough, cold and chest infection, panting and coughing caused by asthma, chest tightness and chest infection...
30 tablet box £8.50
3 box course £19.95
Banlangen Keli
Traditional chinese herbal remedy used for the treatment of upper respiratory tract viral infections. Anti-virus, anti-bacterial...
10 x 5g bag £7.50
2 box course £12.95
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Clearing heat and detoxification. For the common cold, influenza, meningitis, pneumonia, mumps, measles, rubella, herpes angina, pharyngitis...
To dispel congestion and smooth the lungs. For the common cold, cough, fever, chest tightness, stuffy runny nose, headache etc...
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Niuhuang Qingxin Wan
For loss of consciousness or delerium due to fever, encephalitis and brain fevers, sequel of arm, leg or facial paralysis, speech impairment, stroke patient with heat signs...
30g box £23.95
3 box £69.00
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Colds and Influenza

The common cold and influenza are very common infections of the upper respiratory tract. There are hundreds of different types of virus that can cause a cold which is why children can get repeated colds, while the flu virus is constantly changing structure, so new strains can appear each year.

You are in Chinese Herbal Medicine for Colds and Influenza